
Memory and imagination are strange things. My last large format work on canvas was initially inspired by the memory of a deep abyss in which I fished as a child. I wanted to show the reflections of the rocks, the foliage and, above all, the sky in the dark water. Once...

A venerable catalpa

A venerable catalpa, a natural sculpture with long, slender and fascinating winding branches, no longer shades the small terrace of Moli d’en Cassanyes. It overhangs the pool formed by the waters running down from a brook that has its source in the Albères in...

La memoria y la imaginación son extrañas

La memoria y la imaginación son extrañas. Así que mi último gran formato sobre lienzo tomó forma a partir del recuerdo de un profundo estanque lleno de agua en el cual pescaba de pequeño. Quería representar, en aguas oscuras, los reflejos de las rocas, el follaje y...
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